Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Early Chuseok with New ETA Family

As I have explained previously, Fulbright Korea ETAs can renew their grant for a second or third year. Hence, why I am here again. In Hwacheon, there are five ETAs. Out of all of us, only two (myself included) opted to renew for a second year. Two others went back to the US, and the other decided to try teaching privately in Seoul. Of the two of us that remained for a second year, only I am still in Hwacheon. The other ETA was placed at another school in a different region of Korea.

Why I say this is to explain that there are now four new first-year ETAs in Hwacheon with me. Now, I don't know the new cohort, as I only had about 24 hours to meet 81 new people (didn't happen), but I think I got some of the best they had to offer. The ETAs that were placed in my region with me are all so kind and we have all gotten along really well. 

Just like last year, the ETAs in the area were invited to make Songpyeon (송편), a small rice cake dough filled with nuts or red bean paste, with little kids while wearing hanbok (한복), the traditional Korean clothes, for Chuseok. Last year, I had so much fun that I immediately volunteered to do it again. 
This event was held at the library, where dozens of little kids in hanbok come to listen to the Mayor read a story, make songpyeon and then watch a show. This year was a juggler that was actually really cool. Throughout the day, I hung out with some kids and even had one little girl that wanted to sit on my lap during the whole performance. 

My songpyeon even turned out really pretty. I was able to take them home and my host family devoured them in less than a day. The other girls and I also went out to a waffle cafe afterward. 맛있어요!

All in all, I had a pretty good day. And I got to wear a beautiful dress. Now if only the hoop skirt wasn't required. 

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